Je Lichaam Als Gids
As a specialist in women's health and trauma processing, Evi Michelle quickly discovered that conventional therapies do not always yield the desired results. Driven by the desire to offer her clients and herself more, she began a search for a holistic and natural approach to health that connects mental, physical and spiritual aspects. This search led to the development of an innovative system that supports people in the healing process.
In the book ''Your Body as a Guide'' Evi Michelle shares her personal experiences and insights, gained from her personal transformations and those of her clients.
In "Your Body as a Guide" Evi Michelle not only shares her profound insights and practical tools, but also offers a clear guide on the possible connection between physical complaints and emotional themes such as trauma.
This book serves as an essential guide to discovering the wisdom your body has to offer and helps you understand how specific complaints in different parts of the body can be related to specific emotional tensions and (childhood) traumas.
By integrating the latest knowledge from scientific and healing disciplines, Your Body as a Guide teaches readers how to understand and utilize their physical signals to break through emotional blocks and create a balanced and fulfilled life.
The book not only provides the tools to break old patterns, but also practical strategies for embracing a healthier, happier life. "Your Body as a Guide" marks a fundamental shift in the way we approach health and self-care, by emphasizing the value of listening to your own body and using its signals as a guide for personal development and healing.
Healing Herbs
In "Healing Herbs" Evi Michelle shares her extensive knowledge about the power of herbs and how they can support the process of heal-ing. This book focuses not only on the botanical properties of herbs, but especially emphasizes their practical application for supporting your body and strengthening its own healing capacities.
This book helps you understand which herbs are suitable for specific physical complaints and how you can use them effectively. The book offers a comprehensive manual for tuning into your body and discovering the role that herbs can play in your personal well-being. In addition, the book ''healing herbs'' is not limited to the effects and role of herbs, but goes further by providing explanations about the various metaphysical aspects and energetic connections of the body. Each complaint is treated with practical recommendations and insights, so that you can immediately see which herb offers the best support for your personal situation.
In addition, “Healing Herbs” offers a fascinating exploration of ancient traditions and the origins of herbs in natural and conventional medicine.
Evi Michelle explores how these ancient knowledge and practices are still relevant in modern times and how you can apply them in your own health practice. The book provides insight into the historical context of herbal medicine and how these traditions can be integrated into contemporary treatment methods.
You will not only learn about the properties of individual herbs, but also how to create powerful and effective herbal blends that suit your specific needs and/or those of your clients. Healing Herbs offers practical strategies for using herbs in a variety of niches, from healthcare and coaching to therapy and wellness. The book emphasizes how to use herbs to promote health and support trauma release, making it a unique resource for professionals and health enthusiasts.
The book "Healing Herbs" gives you the tools and knowledge to fully utilize the power of herbs, and offers an integrative approach to health that combines the wisdom of ancient traditions with modern scientific insights. This book is an essential guide for anyone who wants to discover and apply the healing qualities of herbs in their personal life or professional practice.
De Voedingsbijbel
In een wereld waarin voeding en gezondheid steeds complexer worden, biedt “De Voedingsbijbel” een heldere kijk op de ware kracht van voedsel. Dit boek neemt je mee op een diepgaande reis door de evolutie van voedingsmarketing, diëten, en de manier waarop onze eetgewoonten zijn gevormd.
“De Voedingsbijbel” verkent de diepere lagen van onze relatie met voeding—van verstoorde eetgewoonten tot de bevrijding die intuïtief eten kan bieden. Ontdek jouw eetidentiteit en leer hoe je voeding kunt inzetten als brandstof, medicijn en bron van welzijn. Leer tekorten aan voedingsstoffen te herkennen en te helen, met speciale aandacht voor veelvoorkomende gezondheidsproblemen zoals darmklachten, zware metalenvergiftiging, SIBO, ontstoken celmembranen en verminderde mitochondriale functie.
The book introduces traditional medicine, herbal remedies, fasting, and hydration as natural pathways to healing. It also offers a fresh perspective on essential food groups and the food frequencies that impact your well-being. Discover how to develop an optimal diet that is not only nutritious but also facilitates spiritual growth.
In addition, “The Nutrition Bible” unravels persistent myths about nutrition, answers pressing questions about eating animals and offers a critical perspective on our diet throughout the ages.
This book is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking a deeper connection with their body, a healthier life, and a more conscious diet. Let food be your medicine on the path to a life in balance and harmony with yourself.
Gestopt met Anticonceptie
Hét kennis- en receptenboek voor alles dat jij moet weten en eten als jij bent gestopt met anticonceptie. Het resultaat van deze methode is meer energie, een betere vertering, het balanceren van je hormonen, betere huid, voller haar, een lange focus, stabiele stemming, verbeterde fitness en meer!
In 'Gestopt met anticonceptie' deelt Evi Michelle Maalcke haar uitgebreide kennis en expertise over vrouwelijke hormonen en gezondheid. Het boek biedt praktische en effectieve begeleiding voor vrouwen die ervoor hebben gekozen om te stoppen met anticonceptie en hun hormonale balans willen herstellen.
​Evi deelt haar inzichten over de verschillende soorten anticonceptie, de impact die ze kunnen hebben op de hormonen en de mogelijke gevolgen voor de gezondheid op lange termijn.
She also offers advice and guidance for women who choose to restore their natural cycle and optimize their hormonal balance. The book includes treatment plans, recipes, herbal blends and lifestyle tips to help women improve their health and well-being.
With 'Stopped contraception', Evi Michelle Maalcke offers a valuable tool for every woman who takes her hormonal health seriously and wants to restore her natural cycle.
Hormone wisdom:
Groundbreaking findings from modern science
Ancient wisdom
Almost 100 recipes:
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks, sauces and spice mixes
Healing plant mixes
Shopping list
The Female Body Plan
In 'The Female Body Plan' Evi Michelle offers a holistic approach for women to improve their health and well-being. The book focuses on optimizing women's hormonal health through a personalized and evidence-based program. The book covers topics such as exercise, stress management and sleep habits and provides specific advice for women at every stage of their cycle.
The book is designed to help women understand and restore their natural cycle, and address hormonal imbalances and associated health issues. It includes practical tips, a training schedule and exercises to help women achieve their goals. 'The Female Body Plan' is a valuable resource for any woman who takes her hormonal health seriously and wants to improve her life through healthy lifestyle and well-being.
Please note, this is not like the other books an extensive theoretical book but a practical guide with targeted advice and exercises. The book is much shorter than the other books, but of course no less effective!
We treat life-defining symptoms, problems and conditions in a natural way. Although our treatment plans rarely require pharmacological intervention, all methods, advice and treatment plans are scientifically proven.
If you would like to read more about the influence of the menstrual cycle on the functioning of your body, below are a number of studies that demonstrate the connection between changing hormone balance and changes in metabolism, oxygen uptake, muscle strength, etc.
Psychobehavioral Effects of Hormonal Contraceptive Use
Origins and Progression of Adolescent Endometriosis
Early life abuse and risk of endometriosis
Endometriosis symptoms like pain return in 40 to 80 percent of people within 2 years of surgery.​
Oral Contraceptives and Sleep in Depressed and Healthy Women
Oral contraceptives and changes in nutritional requirements
Upper airway muscle activity in normal women : influence of hormonal status
Endurance Capacity and Cardiorespiratory Responses in Sedentary Females During Different Phases of Menstrual Cycle
Studies at the metabolism of women - sugar and menstrual cycle
Effects of the menstrual cycle on excess postexercise oxygen consumption in healthy young women
Metabolic changes during the menstrual cycle - carbohydrate utilization
Metabolic changes during the normal menstrual cycle: A longitudinal study
Female sex hormones and the recovery from exercise: Menstrual cycle phase affects responses
the effect of the menstrual cycle phase and diet on blood lactate responses to exercise
The Muscle Stretch Reflex throughout the Menstrual Cycle
Effect of Estrogen on Musculoskeletal Performance and Injury Risk
Menstrual cycle and knee joint position sense in healthy female athletes
Globulin and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Stiffness in Healthy, Active Females
Effects of hormonal contraceptives on sleep
Changes in muscle strength, relaxation rate and fatiguability during the human menstrual cycle.
Cyclical Changes in Calcium Metabolism across the Menstrual Cycle in Women with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
The Isolated and Combined Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase and Time-of-Day on Muscle Strength of Eumenorrheic Females
Gonadotropin Decrease Induced by Prolonged Exercise at About 55% of the V̇O2max in Different Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
The effect of dietary restriction and menstrual cycle on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) in young women.
Menstrual cycle phase affects temperature regulation during endurance exercise
A review of oral contraceptive use and the risk of breast cancer:
Hormonal contraception and risk of venous thromboembolism: national follow-up study:
Hormonal contraception and bone mineral density: a systematic review:
Hormonal contraception and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis:
Hormonal contraception and risk of cancer: a review of the literature:
The effects of menstrual cycle phase on muscle damage and repair following eccentric exercise:
Influence of menstrual cycle phase on muscle damage and recovery:​
Curcumin: A Review of Its' Effects on Human Health
Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold
Ginkgo biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia
Garlic for Cardiovascular Disease: Prevention or Treatment